Minggu, 30 Desember 2012
These are what happened just now.
Checking WhatsApp. Up dating contacts. Scrolling up and down. Then, a profpic caught my eyes. It is one of my lecturer's picture. And, she just amazes me as always.. She is smart. She is beautiful. She's got character. She can speak Dutch. Oh my... I wanna be like her.
dari dosen,
Minggu, 23 Desember 2012
(Agak Galau) Akhir Tahun 2012
Akhir tahun.
Final projects matkul-matkul dewa menunggu untuk dikerjakan. Deadline semakin dekat.
Emang sih kewajiban utama mahasiswa itu salah duanya belajar dan ngerajin tugas, tapi yah gitu deh. Tau kewajiban, belum sadar kewajiban. Hasilnya ya cuma nunda-nunda ngerjain, sekalinya udah deket deadline gini kelimpungan. Salah saya sendiri sih..
Penat. Agak bosan dengan rutinitas.
Semacam kaget. Rasanya satu tahun cepet berlalu gitu aja. Nggak berasa. Ke mana aja? Ngapain aja? No idea.
Ujian udah di depan mata. Oh, ya?? Udah mau UAS lg. Makin tua aja ini semester kuliah saya.
Udah harus mulai persipan KKN-PPL. Mau ngapain nanti pas KKN-PPL? Nggak tau. :o
Masih belum banyak tau. Sekian semester kuliah kok ya gini-gini aja. Bukan maksud underestimate diri sendiri, tapi ya begitulah.. Masih belum tau apa-apa. Ini belum tau, itu belum tau, apa lagi yang lainnya.
Sudahlah. Sekian untuk malam ini. Sebaiknya tidak dilanjutkan. Semakin galau nantinya.
dari aslinya winda,
dari galau akademik
Rabu, 12 Desember 2012
Again.. I Miss You..
Again.. I write to you, brother. I know it may be riddiculous writing to someone who has gone far away, but it's my only way to comfort myself..
Hai there.. How are you? Time moves pretty fast here. I've gone through pretty long without you beside me.. Again, I miss you. I miss you even more and this feeling is getting stronger each day.
I just watched a movie entitled 5 Cm which is adapted from a novel with the same title. Do you happen to know this very novel? This one is a great read, I'm sure you must like it just like I and mom do.
Anyway, it is not about I'm telling you how great the movie is, but it is about the relationship between two characters in 5 Cm, Arinda and Arial. Arinda and Arial are siblings, they are twins actually. Reading the story about them and watching how they get together remind me to you. Watching how Arial treat her sister made me turn green with envy.
Watching how Arial and Arinda get together makes me miss you so much. I even cried on my way home for missing you. I don't know what to say, I simply miss you..
I think this writing is overdoze "miss you", but who cares anyway??!
5 Cm is mostly about friendship. People say this very movie is a must watch movie with besties. My besties were you, mom, and dad and now there are mom and dad left. I'd like to say that I am quite solely, I have no one to share my feeling, thought, story, but mom and dad and you. Mom said we get to watch the movie together this weekend. And it means it will be the second time I watch the movie. I wish you were here..
I miss you.. I miss your knocking my door waking me for Subuh..
Tell me what should I do when I miss you..
big brother,
dari aslinya winda
Minggu, 09 Desember 2012
Sudah. Jangan Galau (Period)
Sudah... Jangan galau...
Ingat, hidup itu ya yang sekarang ini, detik ini. Detik saat udara memasuki rongga hidung-tenggorok-paru paru. Detik saat darah mengalir di pembuluh darah. Detik ketika impuls melompat dari satu sinapsis ke sinapsis ain. Detik ketika mata berkedip. Detik ketika nutrisi diserap tubuh.
Hidup itu present tense. Hidup itu bukan past tense juga bukan future tense. Jangan memikirkan yang sudah lalu, itu hanya akan akan menahan diri menyadari detik ini, masa sekarang. Jangan terlalu merisaukan masa depan, itu hanya akan membuat diri cemas dan lupa menikmati detik ini, masa sekarang.
Terlalu banyak past tense hanya akan memberikan banyak "seandainya waktu itu". Terlalu banyak future tense hanya akan memberikan terlalu banyak dosis "bagaimana nanti kalau". Jalani, nikmati, pikirkan, telaah present tense. Hidup akan jauh dari galau...
dari aslinya winda,
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