Senin, 18 Januari 2010

a cocoon said

" I am trying to forget something "

" I am trying to remember something "

" I am trying to break something "

" I am trying to look for something "

" One thing for sure, I am trying to curse him badly ( astaghfirullahaladzim ) "

Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

in the early 2010

missing him so bad
I'll have myself give you a proof that I'm not a pessimistic girl, I'll go through to where you are

feeling in the blue

plunged into a quandary

fed up with physic

listening The Meadow, Possibility, Meet Me on The Equinox ( sung from a girl point of view, with every man changed into woman ), Slow Life, Roslyn, Arms of An Angel

get a quite serious dust allergy
can't breathe properly

find unnoticed pleasure under the rain

Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

in a quandary


cari tempat kuliah

ampun, susahnya!


mau ke mana?

ipa? ips? ipc?

otak seret

itung itungan mampet

hapalan buntet


benci pete
