Minggu, 30 Desember 2012
These are what happened just now.
Checking WhatsApp. Up dating contacts. Scrolling up and down. Then, a profpic caught my eyes. It is one of my lecturer's picture. And, she just amazes me as always.. She is smart. She is beautiful. She's got character. She can speak Dutch. Oh my... I wanna be like her.
Minggu, 23 Desember 2012
(Agak Galau) Akhir Tahun 2012
Akhir tahun.
Final projects matkul-matkul dewa menunggu untuk dikerjakan. Deadline semakin dekat.
Emang sih kewajiban utama mahasiswa itu salah duanya belajar dan ngerajin tugas, tapi yah gitu deh. Tau kewajiban, belum sadar kewajiban. Hasilnya ya cuma nunda-nunda ngerjain, sekalinya udah deket deadline gini kelimpungan. Salah saya sendiri sih..
Penat. Agak bosan dengan rutinitas.
Semacam kaget. Rasanya satu tahun cepet berlalu gitu aja. Nggak berasa. Ke mana aja? Ngapain aja? No idea.
Ujian udah di depan mata. Oh, ya?? Udah mau UAS lg. Makin tua aja ini semester kuliah saya.
Udah harus mulai persipan KKN-PPL. Mau ngapain nanti pas KKN-PPL? Nggak tau. :o
Masih belum banyak tau. Sekian semester kuliah kok ya gini-gini aja. Bukan maksud underestimate diri sendiri, tapi ya begitulah.. Masih belum tau apa-apa. Ini belum tau, itu belum tau, apa lagi yang lainnya.
Sudahlah. Sekian untuk malam ini. Sebaiknya tidak dilanjutkan. Semakin galau nantinya.
Rabu, 12 Desember 2012
Again.. I Miss You..
Again.. I write to you, brother. I know it may be riddiculous writing to someone who has gone far away, but it's my only way to comfort myself..
Hai there.. How are you? Time moves pretty fast here. I've gone through pretty long without you beside me.. Again, I miss you. I miss you even more and this feeling is getting stronger each day.
I just watched a movie entitled 5 Cm which is adapted from a novel with the same title. Do you happen to know this very novel? This one is a great read, I'm sure you must like it just like I and mom do.
Anyway, it is not about I'm telling you how great the movie is, but it is about the relationship between two characters in 5 Cm, Arinda and Arial. Arinda and Arial are siblings, they are twins actually. Reading the story about them and watching how they get together remind me to you. Watching how Arial treat her sister made me turn green with envy.
Watching how Arial and Arinda get together makes me miss you so much. I even cried on my way home for missing you. I don't know what to say, I simply miss you..
I think this writing is overdoze "miss you", but who cares anyway??!
5 Cm is mostly about friendship. People say this very movie is a must watch movie with besties. My besties were you, mom, and dad and now there are mom and dad left. I'd like to say that I am quite solely, I have no one to share my feeling, thought, story, but mom and dad and you. Mom said we get to watch the movie together this weekend. And it means it will be the second time I watch the movie. I wish you were here..
I miss you.. I miss your knocking my door waking me for Subuh..
Tell me what should I do when I miss you..
Minggu, 09 Desember 2012
Sudah. Jangan Galau (Period)
Sudah... Jangan galau...
Ingat, hidup itu ya yang sekarang ini, detik ini. Detik saat udara memasuki rongga hidung-tenggorok-paru paru. Detik saat darah mengalir di pembuluh darah. Detik ketika impuls melompat dari satu sinapsis ke sinapsis ain. Detik ketika mata berkedip. Detik ketika nutrisi diserap tubuh.
Hidup itu present tense. Hidup itu bukan past tense juga bukan future tense. Jangan memikirkan yang sudah lalu, itu hanya akan akan menahan diri menyadari detik ini, masa sekarang. Jangan terlalu merisaukan masa depan, itu hanya akan membuat diri cemas dan lupa menikmati detik ini, masa sekarang.
Terlalu banyak past tense hanya akan memberikan banyak "seandainya waktu itu". Terlalu banyak future tense hanya akan memberikan terlalu banyak dosis "bagaimana nanti kalau". Jalani, nikmati, pikirkan, telaah present tense. Hidup akan jauh dari galau...
Sabtu, 17 November 2012
Me Time
Me time is not that difficult to find. Every second is a me time if only we allow it to be..
Just enjoy whatever we do at this very second, it can be a me time.
Just let ourself get into everything we do, it can be a me time.
Listening to some good music when we are waiting for our car being washed is quite a me time.. If only we enjoy it..
Reading a good book when we are waiting for our mom is quite a me time.. If only we enjoy it..
Listening to some good music when we are on the commuter train is quite a me time.. If only we enjoy it..
Reading a good story when we are waiting for our lecturer is quite a me time.. If only we enjoy it..
Kamis, 15 November 2012
An Apple or A Green Robot?
W: Dad, would you please buy me an Apple?
D: You have a green robot already kan?
W: Errrr... I do.
D: To me, you are my little girl and always. Hence, I prefer you play with green robot than an Apple. A green robot is more like a doll while an Apple has no doll look at all even at a glance.
Minggu, 04 November 2012
Nobita itu Ganteng. That's it.
Orang bilang, "Iiih, ngapain suka Nobita, dia kan nggak pinter, nggak ganteng pula."
Tapi, itu kan cuma orang bilang.
Waktu kecil, Nobita emang nggak pinter, ulangannya dapet 0 terus. Tapi liat aja pas dia gede. Nobita jadi pinter ( kalo nggak boleh bilang jenius) sampai dia bisa bikin robot kucing super macem Doraemon beserta peralatan canggih untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah hidup. Nobita pun sadar tentang masa kecilnya yang suram sehingga dia kirim Doraemon ke masa lalunya supaya Doraemon bisa bantu Nobita jadi anak yang lebih baik. Kurang pinter gimana coba?
Nobita pun pas gede ganteng. Kalo nggak, mana mungkin Shizuka mau jadi istri Nobita?!
Dan lagi, meskipun pas kecil si Nobita ini nggak pinter, tapi dia setia kawan. Liat aja betapun jahatnya Giant sama Suneo ke Nobita, Nobita tetep bantuin Giant sama Suneo kalo mereka lagi punya masalah.
Nobita juga anak yang baik. Dia nggak pernah dendam sama Giant dan Suneo. Entah emang nggak tau gimana mau bales perlakuan duo maut itu atau emang Nobita itu pecinta kedamaian dan ketentraman, setidaknya dia nggak pernah berbuat anarkis. Nobita nggak pernah bikin ribut macem Giant yang maksa nyanyi sampai bikin orang-orang sakit telinga. Nobita juga nggak pernah bikin orang lain sakit hati kaya Suneo yang sering bikin teman-temannya turn green with envy macem kolor ijo gara-gara Suneo sering pamer aneka rupa mainan canggih dan kinclong.
Jadi, begitulah the loveable Nobita. Nobita itu ganteng, baik, setia kawan, pinter. Bener-bener prince charming kan?
Senin, 22 Oktober 2012
It's... It's my mistake. I made a mistake, then I should be responsible. It's just I underestimating myself. Hope it'll make me stronger.. Persistence, that's what I need the most...
Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012
Untuk Apa Beasiswamu?
Selasa, 11 September 2012
To You, A Boy who was Born to be A Basket Ball Player and A Bank Director
For a time being, I had someone with whom I could jabber about anything in the night when my mom and dad had to go somewhere.
For a time being, I had a counterpart, a partner in crime in my house.
For a time being, I had someone to whom I could yell due to not so important reasons such as losing a pencil.
For a time being, I had someone to whom I could ask for favors such as drive me to school, buy me ice cream, teach me playing basket ball.
For a time being, I had someone who always gave ridiculous excuses for so many thing.
But it was ago. Now, he’s no longer here.
If only you read this writing (I know it’s impossible unless heaven has access to the Internet) I want to tell you that now your room is my room. Right after you left for your life afterlife, I moved to your room. It’s nice to be here. I feel as if you’re here. It feels like I can talk to you anytime I want, just like we used to be. Though I am not using either your bed or wardrobe, I am still using your rulers. I still keep the ruler you gave to me and I promise you that I won’t lose it.
People say that time will always heal everything, but I don’t think so. There are several things which time can’t do anything about. One of those things is a sense of missing. We—I, mom, and dad— always miss you. Mom’s always going misty-eyed whenever we talk about you, whenever someone, even unintentionally, is saying your name.
I don’t know whether you already know about this or not, but I’ll just tell you that the basket ball court where you used to play every afternoon is now a housing area. There is no longer a basket ball court in front of our house. I was so disappointed for losing a place which remains me about you, but what can I do? I can do nothing. My saving is not that much that make it possible for me to buy the land.
I’m sorry for being so spoiled. I’m sorry for never addressing you properly with ‘mas’ before your name. I’m so sorry for hiding Bobo until the next edition is delivered. You know, Bobo is now pricy for a magazine.
Time moves pretty fast. It’s been a windu after you left me, mom, and dad. By all means, I miss you. I’ve grown up as the only child for these last eight years, yet I don’t know whether I have made mom and dad proud or not.
If only you’re here, I’ll buy you durian and cempedak as much as you want although I hate the smell. But ya... I know you are not here... I wish we live in the same neighbourhood in our life afterlife... I wish my wish will be granted... Amin.
Senin, 03 September 2012
Inside Out
I acknowledge William Forrester’ style in wearing his socks. I think that is the comfortable way in wearing socks. Once, when I was in kindergarten, I found that wearing socks inside out was comfortable, but as my mom said I should not do that, I did not do that. Anyway, it is another story now. I am on my own responsibility to decide what to wear and how to wear. Then, I am used to wearing my socks inside out.

See? Sometime, we need to break the rules. A wise man knows when to break the rules.
Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012
Ramadan dengan Abang Ganteng.

Akhirnya saya bisa jadi anak rumahan lagi, bukan anak kost. Bener-bener home sweet home. Ke mana-mana sama bapak ibu lagi. Tiap hari makan (sahur) sama bapak ibu lagi. Ngerumpi sama ibu. Berasa kaya zaman belum kuliah, zaman belum kost. No words can explain how it feels like.

Tapi karena sekarang bapak ibu saya agak lebih sibuk dari sebelumnya, intensitas saya di rumah sendirian pun meningkat. Karena itu saya jadi berteman baik dengan TV. Kalau biasanya saya jarang nonton TV, sekarang saya jadi jarang melakukan hal lain selain nonton TV.

Dan tentunya serial-serial itu menawarkan penawar dahaga yang sakti mandraguna, wajah ganteng para smartworker.

Dari semuanya yang paling bisa bikin

Dan sekarang mas-mas ganteng nggak lagi gentayangan di FoxCrime. Pas nonton episode pamungkas season ini kemarin, rasanya pengen langsung transfer sejuta dolar ke produser serial ini biar cepet-cepet dibikin episode season berikutnya. Agak sedih sih, tapi saya yakin dengan peribahasa mati satu tumbuh sejuta. Satu mas-mas ganteng cuti gentayangan, pasti akan ada mas-mas ganteng lain yang siap gentayangan dengan tangguhnya nggak peduli matahari bersinar dengan beringas maupun hujan mengguyur dengan membabi buta, asal satelit, pemancar lancar, aman ntu mas-mas pasti akan hinggap di depan mata.
Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012
EFH dan Semester yang Makin Menua
Ibarat rumah yang kelamaan ditinggal pemiliknya, sudah banyak sarang laba-laba di sana-sini. Kesannya kumuh ya? Tapi nggak juga kok. Kan bukan sarang laba-laba biasa, tapi sarang laba-laba si Spiderman Peter Parker yang ganteng itu. *bayangin Tobey Maguire gelantungan ke sana ke mari*
Anyway, saya belum nonton The Amazing Spiderman. Belum sempat, eh sekarang malah udah nggak tayang di bioskop. Sudahlaha, saya akan bersabar nunggu DVDnya keluar. Nggakpapa deh.
Akhirnya semester ini usai sudah.

Sudahlah, mau nggak mau emang harus gini. Nggak bisa kan selamanya jadi freshman, nggak bisa selamanya jadi remaja belasan tahun. Mau nggak mau harus move on jadi senior, mau nggak mau harus jadi wanita muda. Nikmati aja hari-hari di mana usia masih belum overlapping angka bioskop.

Anyway, ada satu hal yang saya mau cerita. Ini tentang EfH alias English for Holidays.
EFH adalah salah satu annual program dari English Education Department Faculty of Languages and Arts Yogyakarta State University. Itu acara buat anak-anak usia 4 tahun-SMA. Mereka akan diajak belajar bahasa Inggris selama 10 hari. Bisa dibilang semacam short course gitu. acaranya nggak melulu belajar di kelas. Ada Campus Grand Tour, Barbeque, Field Trip, dll. Sik asik kan?
Selama saya kuliah 2 tahun ini, 2 kali pula saya terlibat di kepanitiaan EFH. EFH tahun 2011 dan EFH 2012. Gimana rasanya jadi panita EFH? Rasanya ruaaaarrrr binasaaaa!

Nano-nano, campur aduk pokoknya. Kerja underpressure, senang riang bertemu para peserta yang kyut-kyut, jungkir balik ke sana ke mari, stress dikejar deadline, enek diomelin, dan lain sebagainya. Tapi endingnya seneeeeeenggggg!

EFH 2012 ini baru aja selesai. Rasanya legaaaaa banget. Saya memang merasa kerja di EFH 2012 ini lebih berat dari 2011. Targetnya lebih tinggi dari EFH 2011.
Banyak kesan yang tertinggal. No matter how tiring it was, I can’t help to smile everytime I remember any details of the 10-day EFH and the months of its preparation.
One thing for sure, I am gonna miss Shizuka, one of the participant. Sampai sekarang saya masih inget dengan jelas setiap kali Shizuka tanya “Miss... Miss... ini artinya apa ya?”. Saya pun masih ingat dengan jelas gimana ekspresinya setiap kali bilang “Miss... aku pulang dulu yaa... udah dijemput eyang...”. hahahaha
Shizuka, if only you read this writing, you have to know that I miss you, your “Miss Winda pernah ke luar negeri? Aku belum lho. Ntar ke luar negeri bareng ya”, your “Eyangku udah datang, Miss”.

Rabu, 18 April 2012
Semua udah pada tidur.
Kost udah sepi.
Tapi masih banyak tugas yang belum saya kerjakan.

Proposal juga belum kelar.
Email-email juga belum dikirim.
Materi pun belum disusun.
Yang mana yang harus dikerjain duluan?

Ah, lapar. Ngantuk juga. Besok kuliah pagi.Pengen ikut dialog jurusan, tapi tabrakan sama jadwal kuliah. Huuuuuuuhuh!
Minggu, 15 April 2012
Tentang Bunga untuk Kekasih
Kenapa kasihan? Karena bunga apapun yang diberikan pasti mengundang lalat perdebatan antara si cowok dengan si pacar.
Bunga imitasi
Cowok : ini buat kamu. (senyum, kasih bunga)
Cewek : wah, makasih ya. (terima bunga, sumringah)
Cewek : (mencium bunga, BUNGA. BUKAN SI COWOK. Belum muhrim)
Cewek : ini mawar tapi kok bau parfum kamu? Bunganya imitasi ya?
Cowok : iya, sayang. Biar awet.
Cewek : imitasi?? Bunga palsu?
Cowok : iya, sayang. Kalo bunga segar, ntar cepet layu, nggak tahan lama. Jadi bunga imitasi aja, biar awet kaya cintaku padamu.
Cewek : huh! Biar awet atau cinta kamu ke aku emang palsu?!
Cowok : ....
Bunga segar
Cowok : ini buat kamu. (senyum, kasih bunga)
Cewek : wah, makasih ya. (terima bunga, sumringah)
Cewek : (mencium bunga. Sekali lagi, yang dicium BUNGA. BUKAN SI COWOK. Belum muhrim)
Cewek : wah, wangi. Bunga segar ya, sayang?
Cowok : iya, sesegar cintaku padamu.
Cewek : tapi ntar layu. Hmm.... jadi, cintamu ke aku bakal cepet layu juga?!
Cowok : ....
Bunga bank
Cowok : sayang, aku kasih bunga ke kamu lho.
Cewek : bunga? Lho, mana bunganya?
Cowok : coba lihat akun kamu di bank.
Cewek : jadi, kamu kasih aku bunga bank?
Cowok : iya. (senyum)
Cewek : kamu pikir aku cewek matre apa?!
Cowok : ....
Jadi, kalian para lelaki, berhat-hatilah saat akan memberi apapun kepada pacar kalian. Sekian. Terima kasih.
Rabu, 21 Maret 2012
A Prelude
Having been undergoing this even semester for almost 8 weeks, I think this semester will be the first crazy semester of all the coming. I really hope for the miracle coming up. Tons of book are waiting to be finished and all of them are the full of theory, no picture, and rich of jargon, that make me have to marry dictionaries as well as thesaurus in a very soon, ones.
But, I somehow have such an unsaid enthusiasm indeed. No idea what it is actually. I started this semester with a sense of insecure. I was so afraid of I didn’t know what when I was about to leave home. I felt so uncertain, unclear. Everything was blurring in my eyes. Hopefully, it is just something like nausea due to the long holiday just passed by and won’t be followed by any kind of horrors. Aamiin.
Anyway, I had a weird dream that cannot be removed from my head for weeks. I was so tired that I was so sleepy after Maghreb. Then I decided to watch a movie to keep myself staying awake until Isya’. The movie was Rio, the one of which story is about the unable-to-fly Blue Macau. For the further explanation about the movie, go search for it. No matter how hard I try to fight over the sleepy, I fell asleep anyhow. I dreamed that I was the one like Blu, the main character. I was in a place I didn’t know where it was, sort of in the middle of nowhere. Everybody was flying away and left me alone unable to go anywhere with the cruel cockatoo chasing over me. I was so scared. When I woke up, I felt so tired and scared. Yes, it is ridiculous, but it is true! I don’t know whether it is the matter of the unable-to-fly Blue Macau or it is a warning from my deep down inside feeling that something goes wrong inside of me.
Anyway, I don't take that weird dream into account anymore. But, I still unable to get rid of it.
There is one thing that makes me feel like there is something in my shoes. That is about how comfortable I am being alone. Sometimes I feel that I am too individualistic. I always prefer to do everything myself. Often, I am more, so much more, comfortable when I am sole. Whether it is going somewhere alone or simply does my stuffs in my room alone. I know it may be unhealthy somehow. But, I am simply trying to avoid any kind of quarrel due to my habit that often different from most of my friends. Take an example, I prefer to have lunch myself instead of with my classmate. It is because I prefer to have no any kind of meat on my plate while most my friend prefer to have steak, soto, fried or baked chicken, and so on on their plate. For I am the minor one, I try to satisfy myself. Another thing is most of my friends love to hanging around after class while I cannot enjoy it. In short, I have different way of having fun to my friend’s. Thus, I choose to go home instead of join my friend going to a mall or coffee shop. There are still so many things that make me prefer to be alone, to be solely.
In short, I am simply trying to avoid screwing people’s life due to my different taste of having fun to them. Hence I prefer to have people left me alone.
Well, gotta go the dentist now, see you around then. Ciao!
Rabu, 01 Februari 2012
Grateful :)

Banyak yang sudah terlewati. Akhirnya UAS kelar juga, akhirnya liburan datang juga, akhirnya saya bisa main beberapa lagu, dan masih banyak lagi.
Tentang pekan ujian, sebenarnya ujian atau nggak sama aja sih, namanya pelajar ya wajib belajar, tapi karena suasana kampus yang jadi agak tegang gimana gitu, saya jadi agak keder juga. Dosen-dosen yang tiba-tiba jadi ramah dengan sapaan khas “Ya, bagi Anda yang merasa belum mengumpulkan salah satu tugas atau belum ikut salah satu kuis atau malah belum UTS, you have to see me very soon. For sake of your study, not mine.” Jedaaarrrrr!

Misal satu semester ambil 22 SKS untuk 11 matkul, setidaknya dalam satu minggu kita disapa dengan sapaan yang tak serupa tapi sama persis adanya seperti demikian, siapa yang nggak jadi keder coba? Siapapun pasti jungkir balik, entah karena capek dengernya atau karena emang belum ngumpulin tugas ini itu atau belum ikut kuis atau karena sebab lain, belum ketemu gebetan may be. Heaven knows. 
Dan yang saya rasakan adalah guncangan di batin terdalam sisi mahasiswa saya karena capek denger sapaan dosen yang demikian. Alhamdulillah saya dianugrahi rasa takut untuk bolos, jadi yah saya rajin ikut kuliah, entah emang bener-bener belajar atau sekedar bikin kotor baju. Dan hal itu berdampak baik ternyata. Karena nggak berani bolos, saya jadi masuk kuliah dengan presensi penuh, akhirnya tugas-tugas saya sampai di tangan dosen tepat waktu dan nggak perlu rodi ngejar deadline ngumpulin tugas di akhir semester. Sekali lagi, alhamdulillah yah...

Tugas-tugas saya udah beres, tapi tiap ketemu dosen selalu diiringi dengan kalimat maut tersebut, mau-nggak mau saya jadi berasa jleb!

juga. Entah kenapa, syaraf departemen cuek saya tiba-tiba off menghadapi kalimat tersebut. Jadi kepikiran juga.
Hari-hari ujian saya cukup damai sejahtera sampai minggu ke-2 ujian tiba. Tiba-tiba saya dapat tugas tambahan ngerawat adek yang lagi sakit. Yak, saya jadi part time student, part time baby sitter. Biarpun adek saya nggak kecil-kecil banget, udah kelas 1 SMP, tetep aja yang namanya ngurus orang sakit itu repot.
Mikir final projects (ya, pake “s”, plural alias banyak), mikir ujian yang di beberapa matkul materinya geje, mikir adek udah minum obat belum, mikir adek ntar mau dikasih makan apa, mikir cucian belum diambil di laundry sebelah, mikir belum beli susu, mikir belum servis motor, and likewise, likewise, likewise. Ditambah adek saya iriiiiiiit bener ngomongnya, jadi berasa mau meledak kepala saya.

Tapi ya inilah seninya hidup. Seperti apa kata pepatah, the darkest time is just berfore the dawn. Begitu semua itu selesai, rasanya ummm... rasanyaaa.... kaya.... kaya selesai, the end.

And for January had just passed by, the results of the last semester racing has just been publiced. Akhirnya hasil bertempur satu semester sudah keluar. Jadi keliatan deh semester kemarin banyak dosa apa kagak.

Alhamdulillah yah. Kagak bikin pengen makan kamus maupun diktat-diktat tebel pokoknya. Kerja sudah terbayarkan. Dan sekarang saatnya menikmati the holi

Kalo di cerita-cerita princess-princess gitu jadi finally the princess met the prince and they live happily ever after. Semoga hari-hari ke depan beneran kaya cerita princess-princess itu, happily ever after.

Kamis, 26 Januari 2012
Jadi, Apa Nama Mata Uang Surgawi?
Ibu : yes. Kalo nggak sempat minta ke ibu, pake uangmu dulu aja ntar habis berapa ibu ganti.
Saya : errrrr... tapi harganya *tiiiiiitttttt*, ib. Nol-nya banyak gitu e.
Ibu : ah, nggak apa-apa. Kalo uang habis, ntar tak mintakan ke Allah. Allah Maha Kaya, ATMnya di mana-mana.

Saya :

Minggu, 22 Januari 2012
Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining
This is holiday and I am glad about that. Plenty of cool stuffs are waiting to have fun with. But it was two days ago. Dunno what is going on, these last two days seemed a bit ummm.... let's say I am not on the track. I am out of the track. And as the matter of fact that my mom is away for these coming two days makes me afraid of out of the direction more and more and getting lost.
Anyway, it drizzles now...
I am waiting for "Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom ,let it be...."
-The Beatles-Let It Be
Kamis, 19 Januari 2012
Mad of Korea

It is not because of the beautiful Korean boys, but because of the culture, the country, and the nature. Yes, I fall in love with the country, not the made in Korea entertainers.
It is the matter of Arirang channel. Holyday gives me plenty of time to spend in front of magic box. Fed up with Indonesian TV shows which tend to be different but alike, I go to some international channel, and in some last days, I put my eyes on Arirang. Geeee! Korea, I mean South Korea, is simply amazing. The atmosphere is so lovely. Its people are spreading positive feeling everywhere. Its landscape is simply beautiful providing tons of admirable scenery. And its food is the most interesting thing for me! As far as I know, there is no fried dish in their diet. Tons of vegetable and fruits are in their diet. All the dishes are slow cooked. Pity me haven’t ever done any Korean dish foodsampling, but I promise that I’ll do it as soon as I find a Korean restaurant around!
Its culture and modern lifestyle get along together very well as Japan has. But, I prefer Korea rather than Japan. Why? Dunno. The answer remains unclear. It is simply like why men love playing football while women love shopping, why in an hot day I prefer having mango sorbet to chocolate puding.
Its traditional costum is just so amazing as well. I love the cutting, the combination, the way Korean people wearing it, and likewise. And the best thing about Korean costume is because it is completely covering “aurat”, hence I thing it will be simply match with Moslem style. I am a Moslem, anyway.
The fact that Korea is four season country is also lovely. I am always dreaming on experiencing white winter with snow on the roof, water crystal hanging on the branches of no leaves trees, and fozen lakes, fountains, as well as rivers. But, above all, I am interested in feeling spring atmosphere in which flowers begin to bloom, river flows for the first time, sun shines but the wind keep blowing smoothly. It is such a new beggining.
Oh, KTO, pleaseeeeeee, I beg you, bring me thereeeeeee!
Senin, 02 Januari 2012
The Pararampampirampam Week
Yet, I had a bit, let’s say, dissapointment. This week was not as easy as it supposed to. I hardly called this week as a time off as my lectures said. This week was quite hectic indeed. Thousands (if I calculated the pages of books I had to read) of pages had to be read, tons of sentences had to be written, and many words need to be analyzed. The fact that I have been working on language department for, at least, a year did not really help somehow. I still jump into queasy afterwards.
But, overall, I did everything well. Hence, I am glad anyhow.
Well, now, the time to invite my neuron to work harder is about to come. I have to pleasantly meet two weeks of exam then. So, ciao!